Sunday, May 31, 2009


I can tell that change is on the horizon. I am anxiously awaiting it. But am anxiously engaged trying to make sure I am doing everything I can to make sure I am in the right place at the right time. It is exhausting. Since this blog is an online journal of sorts... I will write.

I have enrolled in a GMAT prep course and have started studying... (by start I mean, glanced over the material. I will start tomorrow afternoon). In the mean time I discovered that the University of Utah is offering a Master in Real Estate Development Program (MRED). I have applied. One of the requirements is that I take the GMAT. I am not able to do that in time... so I had an online interview and we will see if they are able to wave it. Hopefully. I am keeping my fingers crossed but am getting ready to pray my guts out that they allow me in. This program would be perfect for me, and the timing is great as well. We feel good about it, and hopefully it will happen.

I still plan on taking the GMAT and applying to MBA schools this fall. If all goes as planned I will be getting my MBA next fall. Hopefully from a top tier school.

I am working at Ivory Homes right now. It is a great company and they are seeing a lot of success. I just had a closing, and I have two more in the next two weeks. Things are on the up and up. I don't know that I will be able to stay with them through my Masters program... so I am in the middle of trying to figure out where I fit in in the work force.

My daughter is growing like a weed. She has so much spunk and personality, I feel like I need 5 acres for her to live on and three dogs just to entertain her everyday. Being trapped in this little townhome is tough for her. I do not know how families do it in little two bedroom apartments... I admire them, and wish my child were easier. We are grateful for her though and she has been a blessing in our life. Round two for kids is right around the corner. Are we ready?... Ready or not HERE WE COME! This is going to take a lot of faith, but we know it is right and hope for the best.

My brother comes home from his mission on September first. He has served faithfully and I know will return with honor and accomplish great things. My other little brother just got into BYU and will playing for the football team this fall. My other sister just graduated from BYU with a degree in Broadcast journalism. Our family is growing and changing constantly... now we just need to add more spouses and kids to the mix :) Ash and I are the only ones contributing!

Life is good. I need to be better and work harder. I always feel inadequate and overwhelmed but know that I have the gifts, and abilities to make things happen and be successful. Time to apply these skills and achieve greatness.

That is all for tonight... until next time.