Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Grown Up Christmas Wish...

Over the years my consumption of the news has decreased drastically. My heart simply cannot handle it. Sometimes I feel guilt for this. Am I simply putting my head in the sand and acting like none of this is happening? 

Occasionally I decide to jump back in and see what the news headlines have for the day. This morning I read, "Six suicide bombers scaled the walls of a school in Pakistan and killed at least 137 people, most of them children, in an hours-long siege." Wow. 

It is sobering to read this and realize how blessed I am that my children and I don't live in fear like these families must. Yes, bad things still happen. Even in our "safe" communities. But mostly, I feel blessed to be surrounded by goodness. People who care and are trying their best. 

I don't have any personal connection to the people of Pakistan but my heart aches for those families. For the turmoil in their country that currently can't be solved by peaceful dialogue and discussion. They are our brothers and sisters and they need our prayers. 

Sometimes politics and debate over social, economic and religious issues can get nasty, even here in the United States. I've at times been a part of the heated debates, dialogue and the name calling. It can be hard when you feel passionately about what you believe in. Unfortunately in our country, at times, even violent acts are the result. Lives are lost. It pains me to think about this and for whatever reason (it may be the Christmas season) I am especially sensitive and prayerful for those that are struggling so much this morning and only wish I could do more. 

Rather than get overwhelmed at the task of solving all of the worlds problems (Am I the only one that gets crazy like that and thinks I need to try and take that enormous project on) instead I want to share one thought with you, my Facebook friends. Please be kind. I have observed that we are made kind by being kind. Sophocles, a great philosopher once said, “Kindness is ever the begetter of kindness.” 

"I have wept in the night
For the shortness of sight
That to somebody’s need made me blind;
But I never have yet
Felt a tinge of regret
For being a little too kind." 

No act of kindness is ever wasted. You cannot do a kindness too soon. Acting kindly can change both the giver and the receiver for good.

I, too, will try to be more kind and thank those that have shown kindness to me and my family. Especially during this Christmas season.

This is my grown up Christmas wish...